Generic Import File Formats - json
Sqorz defines two generic file formats for importing event entries and member databases.
We specify JSON formatted files containing an array of objects with fields defined below. File name and field order are not important. Fields that are not required and unused may be omitted entirely. See attached examples.
Custom file formats are also available upon request.
Import your member database into Sqorz using this file format.
Member Object
The following fields are defined:
Field Name | Required | Format | Sample Values | Notes |
familyName | Y | string | Smith | |
givenName | Y | string | Jane | |
birthDate | Y | YYYY-MM-DD | 2000-12-31 | |
gender | Y | string | MALE FEMALE | 1 |
plate | Y | string | 123 | |
transponders | N | array of Transponder Objects | See below | |
nationalLicenseType | N | string | AU | 2 |
nationalLicenseClass | N | string | OPEN | 2 |
nationalLicenseNumber | Y | string | 123456 | |
nationalLicenseExpiryDate | N | YYYY-MM-DD | 2020-12-31 | |
globalLicenseType | N | string | UCI | 2 |
globalLicenseClass | N | string | OPEN | 2 |
globalLicenseNumber | N | string | 1234567890 | 2 |
globalLicenseExpiryDate | N | YYYY-MM-DD | 2020-12-31 |
Transponder Object
Field Name | Required | Format | Sample Values | Notes |
transponder | Y | string | AB-12345 | |
classType | Y | string | 20 (BMX 20" bike) 24 (BMX 24" bike) | 1 |
Import entries into an event using this file format. Can also be used to load the member database.
For competitors entering more than one class, repeat the record as required with changed className.
Entry Object
The entries file shares extends the member file format with the following additional fields:
Field Name | Required | Format | Sample Values | Notes |
className | Y | string | 8 Boys 9 Girls | 2 |
classPlate | N | string | 123 | |
classTransponder | N | string | AB-12345 | |
classHireTransponder | N | boolean | true false | Cannot be true if classTransponder specified. |
- Case insensitive
- Depends on sport and region. Values to be agreed with EventSoft.
Sample Files