1. Initial Setup for clubs
1. Initial Setup for clubs
There are a number of tasks that need to be completed in order to setup Sqorz for club use, the tasks only need to be done once.
- Download Sqorz from here Sqorz Download
Create a login using your club email address
- Create a password
- Setup your club format / template (note: you can setup a number of different formats / templates for different types of events run by your club)
- Number of motos
- Finals if your club runs them
- Consolation finals if your club runs them
- Class names including the following details if required (Divisions are for scored classes, Participation is for non-scored classes e.g. Sprockets, Novice)
- Class ID (use your own format, we recommend something simple and easy to understand)
- Age (use if class is age defined)
- Gender
- Bike type (20" / Cruiser / Open)
- Decoder details
- Decoder setup
- Web Service setup if required
- Automatic entry
- Automatic registration
- Local back-up destination
- General settings
- Minimum competitors per class
- Preferred gap between races
- Rank report settings
- Race class or Entry class
- Show Hill Time
- Show Race:Position
- Import the member list from your National body by using the Import Members button on the Members screen (this task should be done before running any event)