Leaderboard information

Leaderboard information

The Sqorz Leaderboard shows the best times for riders across all the timing loops in the track. These can then be sorted and filtered in any different way to see how riders times compare to each other.

The monthly leaderboard collects time for the month allowing clubs and tracks to create competitions based on data such as full lap times, hill times.

The annual leaderboard board does the same but across the whole year allowing riders to continually work on their times.

The Sqorz Leaderboard provides the opportunity for riders to race against each other without the need for them all to be at the track at the same time.


Leaderboard information — key information is updated live

Leaderboard information — key information is updated live



Leaderboard filters — the data can be sorted and grouped in many different ways

Leaderboard filters — the data can be sorted and grouped in many different ways


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