13.6. Timing loop failure during a race event

13.6. Timing loop failure during a race event


It is possible that timing loops will fail during an event for one reason or another. Ideally the issue would be rectified before racing continues however, it may not be possible to do this and / or it is not possible to stop the racing.

Timing loop / gate signal failure

The table below shows possible issues, symptoms and remediation. In all cases it is possible to continue scoring using the timing loops unless the Finish loop is not working.







Gate signal failure

The fastest rider’s Hill time will be 00.000, subsequent riders Hill times will be timed from this point i.e. 00.032, 00.145, 00.371 etc

When there is no gate signal Sqorz will automatically start timing from the first timing loop signal. No manual intervention is required.

Hill loop Failure

Riders are not scored automatically because there is no Hill loop passing.

  • Score the race using Get Times

  • Go to settings and remove the HIll loop

  • Finish one race before starting another for automatic scoring

  • If multiple races are on the track Sqorz will nor be able to to determione which is which due to the defgault Max Finish Time settings, in this caase there are 2 options

    • score the races using Get Times

    • change the default Max Finish Time in Settings from 180s to be a little more than the time it takes to finish a race

Gate signal and Hill loop failure

Riders are not scored automatically

  • Go to settings and remove the HIll loop

  • Sqorz will determine relative results from the Finish Loop

  • In this case multiple races on the track will not be an issue

  • In the case where there is a rider / transponder missing it will be necessary to score the race using Get Times


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