Location | Screen | | Action |
Cloud | Welcome | Sign Up Log In | - You'll need to sign-up to create an account for your club or organisation
- Once you have an account you can login from any PC running Sqorz and access all your events (current and historical)
Home | Switch Accounts | - Logs off user and returns to the login screen
Prices | NA | - Shows pricing information for the different types of races
Credit | Buy | - Shows credit information
- Click Buy to purchase more credit if required
Members | Import | - Import member database (OSM)
| New | - Enter event name
- Select event date
- Select event template
- Enter naming rights sponsor (if required)
Settings | - Select number of motos
- Select if finals are required
- Select if consolation finals are required
- Change the names of the divisions if required
- Save this configuration if it will be reused for future events
Competitors | - Import the online entry race file (OSM) if available
Payment | - Pay for the event according to the number of competitors
- You must have enough credit to cover riders who enter on the day
- Any unused credits can be used in the next event
- Note for the test system use credit card number 4111 1111 1111 1111 and an expiry date in the future
Done | - Returns to the Events screen
Highlight the event and click Open | - The event downloads to your laptop along with the member database
Show (on the bottom left) | - This opens the event on your laptop
Laptop | Event | Events | - Shows details of the race
- Click Events to return to the cloud
Settings | NA | - Amend event settings for this event only
Members | New Member | - Search for members, amend details (for this race only)
- Click New Member to add a non-BMXA competitor to the event
Enter | Finalise Entries | - Check online entries
- Add members
- Click Finalise Entries to complete this stage and move to the next screen
Register | Finalise Registration | - Register members who have been entered
- Enter and register members on the day
- Click Finalise Registration to complete this stage and move to the next screen
Merge | Merge Unmerge Finalise Merge | - Merge and unmerge classes
- Suggests classes to be merged according to the 'Min Compettors' setting
- Click Finalise Merge to complete this stage and move to the next screen
Order | Finalise Order | - Adjust race order
- Display shows races between classes that have the same rider in them
- Pink highlights when the number of races between classes are less than the preferred gap
- Click Finalise Order to complete this stage and move to the next screen
Draw | Auto or Draw | - Draws the motos and creates the moto sheets
Score | Click to score Next | - Scores the race
- Click next to score the next race
Report | Order Draw Rank | - Order: shows the race order
- Draw: shows the moto sheets
- Rank: shows the results (for merged classes member results can be shown in Entered Class or Race Class)